Scoala noastra se afla in cartierul Noua, in partea de sud-est a municipiului Brasov, langa intrarea dinspre Bucuresti. Este una din cele mai mari scoli din oras in care invata in jur de 700 de elevi intre 6 si 15 ani, indrumati de profesori tineri si deschisi spre nou si spre colaborare cu alte scoli din Europa si din lume. In primavara anului 2010, cu prilejul aniversarii scolii, aceaste a primit numele renumitului geograf si profesor Nicolae Orghidan.
Our school is one of the biggest schools in Brasov, one of the biggest cities in the centre of Romania; there are around 700 students from 6 to 15 years old. It is located at the foot of the Carpathians and it is surrounded by pine- tree forest. There are in our staff young and open-minded people and they want to share experience and ideas with other schools from all over the world. Its name comes from Nicolae Orghidan, a famous Romanian geographer and profesor.
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