We are proud to announce that we are among the winners! Congratulations everyone!
More info following the link below:
STEM Discovery Week 2018 is a joint international initiative that invites projects,
organisations and schools across Europe and around the world, to
celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM). The tagline for this year’s campaign “say yes to STEM” describes the
partners’ open-minded and dedicated support to STEM subjects at school, as well as wide-ranging
collaboration among stakeholders in the area.
Interested to become a partner?
By committing to the STEM Discovery Week 2018, the partners agree to:
- Organise and share information about activities in STEM education as part of the STEM Discovery
Week campaign. - Encourage third parties to support and join the initiative by organising STEM activities of their own
and share information about them as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign. - Publish on their web page information in support of the STEM Discovery Week campaign,
hence facilitating an active exchange of information among projects, organisations and schools.
this document here.
Are you organising a STEM event around April 2018?
Include it on the map! Participants organising STEM activities in the course of April 2018, may also
enter the STEM Discovery Week competitions. Visit the competitions' section for more information here.
STEM Discovery Week activities
STEM Discovery Week activities' map
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Our activity for SDW18
Preparing for the future- STEM professions 26- 30. 03. 2018, Visit to company / industry
Every school year, in Romania,
one school week is dedicated to “Another
kind of school” week. During this week, the students participate in
extra-curricular activities and projects. This year, in my school, Școala
Gimnazială Nr. 9 „Nicolae Orghidan” Brașov, between 26th and 30th
of March, an event dedicated to STEM education was organized for providing
opportunities for learning STEM topics to young students- aged 6 to 11.
For five days, the students will visit companies, meet engineers, doctors or scientists, make experiments found on Scientix Resources section or create posters.
For five days, the students will visit companies, meet engineers, doctors or scientists, make experiments found on Scientix Resources section or create posters.
On the first day, the students visited the National Bank of Romania headquarters in Brașov in order to understand the relation between STEM and financial education.
In the second day, students aged 10- 11 visited Schaeffler Romania S.R.L . (.https://www.schaeffler.ro/remotemedien/media/_shared_media/03_worldwide/02_websites_worldwide/romania_1/SchaefflerRomania_EN_2016.pdf) . Schaeffler Romania is a company which is specialized in industry and automotive. During the visit, the students met STEM professionals, asked questions about the products and saw how the workers and specialist worked together to..move the world! Now, they know
more about STEM professions.
The third day was dedicated to experiments! The students were teachers for one day: they prepared an experiment and presented it and the conclusions to their peers. All the experiments were made by the children and they enjoyed the activity a lot as they understood better some phenomena!
On Thursday, one students from The Medical University was invited to talk to the children about his future job. He held a course related to human body and hygiene and learnt the students how to maintain their health.
The last day of the week was dedicated to our eTwinning (https://twinspace.etwinning.net/45279/home) and Erasmus + (https://twinspace.etwinning.net/45916/home) projects. The students worked on some STEM activities based on Scientix resources, visited the TS and presented their work to another class.
Finally, one poster session was organized and the students presented their experience after one whole STEM activities dedicated week.
Join STEM Discovery Week 2018!
Cornelia Melcu, primary school teacher and Scientix
ambassador for Romania